Opportunities and Scholarships
The Opportunities and Scholarships page provides a variety of opportunities for our youth. Some may be specific to a particular State and some are National. Feel free to share with us other scholarships that you feel may be useful to our youth; send the link or document to youthdirectress@gmail.com
Greek Organization Scholarships - particularly if you plan to join a sorority or fraternity
*American Association of University Women (AAUW): American Fellows: ​http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/educational-funding-and-awards/
American Legion - www.legion.org/scholarships
American Sociological Assoc Schol -www.asanet.org/search_results.cfm?q=scholoarship
Federal Student Aid FAFSA -https://studentaid.gov/2223/help/get-started
McDonald’s Education Scholarships - https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/community/hacer.html
Natl Society Daughters of Amer Rev - www.dar.org/
Physicians Assistance Foundation - https://pa-foundation.org/scholarships-fellowships/pa-student-scholarships/
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards -https://www.artandwriting.org/awards/scholarships
Sciencenet Scholarships - www.cse.emory.edu/sciencenet/undergrad/scholarships.html
State Farm Insurance Achievement Scholarships -https://www.statefarm.com/about-us/corporate-responsibility/education-assistp
The American Institute of Architects - http://www.aia.org/education/AIAS075223
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Site - www.truman.gov/
The National Merit Scholarship - www.nationalmerit.org/
The Scholastic Art & Writing Scholarship - www.artandwriting.org/